The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable. you got that new cutting board you were wanting. Now what do you do with your old one? I have a few ideas that might come in handy while helping to prevent excess or unnecessary waste. Either wood or plastic boards can be used with most of these ideas. Use common sense when it comes to that.

1. Hang the cutting board on a nail on the pantry wall and screw several small hooks into its surface. Hang spare keys for the doors, car, shed, etc. on the hooks.

2. Park it in your workshop and let the cutting board take the damage – rather than your workbench – anytime you’re nailing, pounding, gluing or soldering. (Wood Board)

3. Take it into the garden and use it as a portable, temporary stepping stone for hard to reach places. Or add a padded top and “Voila” you have a sturdy knee pad.

4. Paint a nice scene on it, seal the whole thing with polyurethane and hang it on the wall.

5. Take it camping and throw it in the fire once you’ve used it to prepare the last meal of the trip. No Clean-up and you don’t have to take it back home. (Only do this with wood.)

6. Use it as an outdoor signboard. Paint your message on it, tie a loop of nylon rope to it, and hang outside.

7. Make a chalkboard. Paint with chalk board paint and you have an instant portable chalkboard. Attach a loop of rope and hang on the wall for a message board. (It is best to sand it smooth first.)

8. Stow it into the trunk of your car and put into service as a portable, all-purpose hard surface. Passengers can use it as a lap desk for writing, coloring or crafting. It can also be used when you need to look under the car and don’t want to get your knees dirty…or slide it under your jack when you need to change a tire on soft ground.

9. Make a game board. Paint a checker board pattern on it to create a new play area for the checkers/chess fans in your family. Or create your game board using mosaic tiles. Imagine the possibilities!

10. Put it in with your crafts to use as a cutting mat or as a surface protector when gluing.

Who knew there were so many ways to use that old cutting board?

I have more tips and tricks coming your way. Feel free to subscribe to my blog so you won’t miss a thing!! I would be flattered. 🙂


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